Indoor climbing with a Youth Inclusion Project in Southwark.

Although Southwark has areas of significant wealth and prosperity, the majority of wards in the borough are in the 10% most deprived wards in England in terms of income deprivation affecting children. The Youth Inclusion Project (YIP) works with some of Southwark’s more vulnerable children and young people to improve their chances of growing up in good health, feeling safe and secure, and realising their full potential in life.

Mountain Magic ran an indoor taster session for some young people aged 8 to 12. Some of them really took to the climbing and showed lots of ability and determination. One girl cruised everything she tried with ease, an enthusiastic little boy climbed along the traverse wall and back several times until he just couldn’t hold on any longer and another boy climbed every route on the wall – twice!

Depsite lots of experience in this field when working for other organisations, this is our first work with young people as Mountain Magic and we are delighted to be heading along this track. Our aim in this direction is to offer adventurous activities that contribute towards good health, positive learning and fun times for children and young people. Let’s hope this is just the beginning!

Taking and showing photos of children and young people these days requires prior permission from their parents or legal guardians, so here’s a great random photo I found of a young boy who looks completely relaxed, focussed and in the moment on his climb:

Kids Climbing 1 - Blog

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