Month: October 2010

Children & Young People

Indoor climbing with a Youth Inclusion Project in Southwark.

Although Southwark has areas of significant wealth and prosperity, the majority of wards in the borough are in the 10% most deprived wards in England in terms of income deprivation affecting children. The Youth Inclusion Project (YIP) works with some of Southwark’s more vulnerable children and young people to improve their chances of growing up in good health, feeling safe and secure, and realising their full potential in life.

Mountain Magic ran an indoor taster session for some young people aged 8 to 12. Some of them really took to the climbing and showed lots of ability and determination. One girl cruised everything she tried with ease, an enthusiastic little boy climbed along the traverse wall and back several times until he just couldn’t hold on any longer and another boy climbed every route on the wall – twice!

Depsite lots of experience in this field when working for other organisations, this is our first work with young people as Mountain Magic and we are delighted to be heading along this track. Our aim in this direction is to offer adventurous activities that contribute towards good health, positive learning and fun times for children and young people. Let’s hope this is just the beginning!

Taking and showing photos of children and young people these days requires prior permission from their parents or legal guardians, so here’s a great random photo I found of a young boy who looks completely relaxed, focussed and in the moment on his climb:

Kids Climbing 1 - Blog

2011 Courses

Mountain Walking & Rock Climbing – Courses & Adventures…

Here are Mountain Magic’s courses and adventures for 2011:


Scottish Winter Wonderland - A week of winter mountain walking in the breathtaking Western Highlands of Scotland - £500

Scottish Winter Skills – Mountain walking in the breathtaking Western Highlands of Scotland.

Enjoy the beauty of the winter mountain environment equipped with the skills you need to meet its challenges. Learn how to use your ice axe and crampons, practice simple rope work techniques, dig an emergency snow shelter, develop your avalanche awareness and expand your navigation skills.

Includes transport from London and self-catering accommodation close to Ben Nevis and Glen Coe. This is a physically demanding week that requires a high level of fitness, good winter mountain walking equipment and previous experience of mountain walking for several days at a time.

1:4 instructor to client ratio.

January 31st – February 6th

February 14th – February 20th

February 28th – March 6th



The Art Of Navigation - Brochure

The Art Of Navigation – Learn from 23 years of mountain navigation experience.

Learn how to read your map and plan your route, develop a fine-tuned awareness of contour lines and the shape of the terrain, follow accurate compass bearings, use careful timings, practice well-measured pacing and discover useful tools like aiming off and hand rails to keep your navigation easy and efficient.

Includes transport from London and self-catering accommodation in the heart of The Lake District. This is a physically challenging week that requires a good level of fitness, suitable clothing and footwear and some previous experience of mountain walking.

1:4 instructor to client ratio.

November 7th – November 13th

November 21st – November 27th

December 5th – December 11th



Walks & Scrambles Brochure

Scrambling In Snowdonia –  Classic mountain scrambles that will excite and delight you.

Scrambling offers you a truly satisfying experience where your whole body is involved in movement over rock covered with good holds for your hands and feet. Exploring and reading the rock, you carefully pick your way up and along high rocky ridges with exciting exposure.

Includes transport from London and self-catering accommodation in the heart of Snowdonia. This is a physically challenging week that requires a good level of fitness, suitable clothing and footwear and some previous experience of mountain walking.

1:4 instructor to client ratio.

April 25th – May 1st

September 12th – September 18th



Classic Lakeland Walks - Brochure

Classic Lakeland Walks – Wonderful mountain walking in the beautiful Lake District.

The Lakes are a true gem of the British Isles. Wander over the mountains as you exercise your legs and lungs in energising wind and warm sunshine, scramble along high rocky ridges to reach stunning summit views and stride into thick mist and driving rain with a smile on your face as you rise to the occasion.

Includes transport from London and self-catering accommodation in the heart of The Lake District. Expect to be challenged physically and bring suitable clothing and footwear for mountain walking. Whilst previous experience of mountain walking is not essential, you will need a good level of fitness.

1:4 instructor to client ratio.

March 28th – April 3rd

October 10th – October 16th



Barefoot Mountain Adventure - Brochure

Barefoot Mountain Adventure – Experience a deep connection with the earth under your feet.

“I felt light and free, skipping over the rocks at the foot of Tryfan. By the time I was high on the mountain’s rocky ridge, I was well warmed up, moving smoothly and delighting in the increased connection with the rock. The soles of my feet felt great – buzzing with sensation after a two-hour reflexology session with nature.”

Includes transport from London, a top quality mountain tent and campsite fees. This is a physically challenging week that requires a good level of fitness, suitable clothing and some previous experience of mountain walking. Footwear can be carried on the mountain in case you need it.

1:4 instructor to client ratio.

May 23rd – May 29th

August 15th – August 21st



Wild Camping - Brochure

Wild Camping Adventure – Fully immerse yourself in nature and the mountain environment.

Climb inspiring mountains under big skies and discover beautiful places to pitch your tent by nature’s own water supply. Take off your pack, breathe in fresh mountain air and relax with a hot mug of tea and a good meal inside you. Watch the sun go down, sleep under the stars and wake with the sunrise. Bliss!

Includes transport from London and a top quality mountain tent. This is a committing, physically demanding week that requires a high level of fitness, good mountain walking equipment and previous experience of mountain walking for several days at a time.

1:4 instructor to client ratio.

June 20th – June 26th (Summer Solstice)

July 18th – July 24th



Rock Climbing - Brochure

Blue Sky Rock Climbing – Follow the sun to climb in the best weather you can find.

We all enjoy climbing and learning new skills so much more when the sun shines, so we check the forecast at noon to see where we’ll go that evening. The whole of England and Wales is at our fingertips whilst trad, sport, sea-cliff and multi-pitch climbing are all on the cards in a weekend tailored specifically to you.

Includes transport from London, a top quality mountain tent and campsite fees. All specialist equipment is provided and we cater for everybody, from beginners who have never climbed before to experienced climbers who are looking to improve their grade or brush up on their ropework skills.

1:2 instructor to client ratio.

March 19th – March 20th

April 16th – April 17th

May 14th – May 15th

June 11th – June 12th

July 9th – July 10th

August 6th – August 7th

September 3rd – September 4th

October 1st – October 2nd

October 29th – October 30th



Bouldering in Fontainebleau.

Andy, Raisha, Gordon, Donna, Phill and I caught the ferry from Dover to Dunkirk and drove to Fontainebleau for 3 days of fanstastic bouldering and 3 nights of camping around a fire.

Our first port of call was Bas Cuvier, where I was delighted to climb La Marie-Rose after many failed attempts last Easter. Here’s a video clip I found of a woman climbing the same problem.

Le Foret.
Walking through le Foret on the way to la Marie-Rose.
Andy on La Marie-Rose.
Andy on La Marie-Rose.

Day two took us to Roche aux Sabots, home of a wonderful blue circuit and some classic red test-pieces. Fontainebleau is a great place to get away from the numbers and simply follow a colour that gives you a rough idea of how hard the climbing might be. I had a great time playing barefoot on the blues and Phill got his feet connected later in the afternoon.

Phill on the first blue problem of the day.
Phill on the first blue problem of the day.
Raisha on the yellow circuit.
Raisha on the yellow circuit.
Phill barefoot on the blues.
Phill barefoot on the blues.

On day three we went to l’Elephant and I spent most of the morning working the problem of the same name after watching Gordon cruise up it. Maybe next time…

Bigger guns please!
On the Elephant - Bigger guns please!
A tiny crimp on a problem that captivated Andy and Phill.
A tiny crimp on a problem that captivated Andy and Phill.
A spot of slacklining when my arms were begging me to stop.
A spot of slacklining.

Our last night by the fire was great fun! Gathering wood and lighting a fire to sit around each night was just as rewarding as the climbing. On the final evening we played a few silly games, including this one with two empty bottles…

The strenuous journey back after leaving one bottle at full stretch.
Gordon making the strenuous journey back after leaving one bottle at full stretch.