Le Toit du Cul de Chien – Day 2

Listening to body and it felt good for another session by this evening…

Usual warm up of movement followed by 8 overhanging boulder problems from V2-V4 (felt better than yesterday).

Fingers were feeling a little tired and dynamic arm power is what I need so I tried to campus an overhanging V2 without using my feet. After 6 attempts I could do all but 2 of the moves and started losing power. I climbed it two more times with feet and reverse lowered each move without feet.

Specific exercises:

2 x max off-set pull ups with brief lock off each side (felt better than yesterday)

2 x 4 breath mono pocket dead hangs (foothold assisted) with each finger

2 x max handstand push ups (still only half way)

2 x 8 breath back bends

2 x max dips

2 x max chin ups with knees tucked and torso held horizontal

2 x max hanging leg raises (ankles to bar)

2 x max hanging windscreen wipers

1 x max clean and press with 20kg bar

1 x max off-set press ups

Finished with a brief stretch of arms, chest, shoulders and lower back.

Will probably rest from power work tomorrow and focus lots more on yoga and stretching. Waiting to see what body feels like after two days on.

Breakfast: orange juice, banana, omelette

Snack: nuts & dried fruit

Lunch: lamb burger and broccoli

Post training: tin of mackerel

Dinner: mackerel and peppers fried in garlic, chilli and ginger with lemon juice and marjoram on a bed of garlic sauteed spinach

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